1) Who is Luis Fernando and what does he do for a living?
A = Luis Fernando Camacho is a self-taught artist who currently resides in Las Vegas NV, USA
2) Have you ever been to the Faroe Islands?
A= No, never been to the Faroe Islands
3) When did you first hear about the Faroe Islands?
A= A few years ago when I met a Faroese at Art School in Guadalajara, Mexico.
4) Were you fascinated with the place, once you got to know more about it? If so, why?
A= Of course! Everything about the Faroe Islands I found fascinating, starting with the landscape. It was totally unrelated to what I saw before, seemingly out of a fairy tale. A society physically isolated from the rest of the world, which seems to function just fine, or better than any other; perhaps the fact it is a small nation geographically, gives them better control over any kind of social problems. And to complete the picture: The Faroese people, which are very simple people, without pretensions of any kind, deeply proud of their roots and attached to their traditions. However, "being proud of their roots and attached to their traditions" does not seem so special, and can be seen in other cultures, but the humble and subtle way they preach it makes the difference. Music is a good example, if you listen to some themes from decades ago (before globalization took by assault the core of most cultures), you will find songs with regard to some town, some fishermen and even about the weather, and are executed with a dye completely solemn. It seems like they write hymns to celebrate and honor every aspect of their life in the islands. Even in the music nowadays, although it is not so solemn and executed according to more current styles, that "Folk" essence remains, indisputably linked to their roots. How remarkable it is that some of those musicians being excellent performers, with international careers that any other musician in the world would only dream to have, remain practical and realistic. This speaks of their simple, down to earth attitude. Once, not long ago, a friend (Faroese musician) told me, "Ordinary people doing extraordinary things." It all comes down to that.I can imagine what it is like to grow up in the Faroe Islands, to live in an isolated place, an "oasis" where the notion of a whole world out there, is always present in you. Maybe for that reason, young Faroese people travel all the time with such fervor to explore what's out there. Being in constant contact with nature and having the opportunity to compare it to other places, might be the main cause of the attachment to their "Eden," and the cause of solemnity when referring to their country. A constant source of inspiration... which might also be the reason why it seems like in the Faroe Islands, talent can be found even underneath the stones...In my case, growing up in a place like Mexico, it does not present such opportunities. The state of global consciousness that seems a natural condition for Faroese people since they are kids, is more of a luxury for people in countries like mine; a luxury reserved only for those who are curious enough to explore and venture. Maybe these circumstances were the reason I have formed this poetic idea of the Faroe Islands, and it makes me find the place so fascinating.
5) On your first trip to the Faroe Islands, are there any special places you want to see, any goals you want to achieve?
A= On my first trip to the Faroe Islands, and like any good tourist, I would like to see with my own eyes and walk every corner of the islands, from north to south. To satisfy my curiosity about the culture and the Faroese lifestyle, I would like to spend a few months on the islands; eat, see and do what the locals do, experience a Summer and its "midnight sun", or the Winter and the aurora borealis. To indulge my fondness for Faroese music I would like to attend the G! Festival and maybe meet in person the members of my favorite bands. And as a professional goal, during my stay there, I'd like to paint my way of seeing and feeling the Faroese culture, and exhibit those paintings in a gallery or museum in the capital.
You can find Camacho's art at: http://www.lfcamacho.net/, he can also be found at: http://www.myspace.com/lfcamacho.